You might have seen the word Lifetime Deal or LTDs used all over our site or in social media platforms. Ever wonder Lifetime Deals meant what? And do you know lifetime deal save you tons of investment on apps, tools, or resources and more.
Most of the Digital Marketing tools, apps or resources that we use on day to day for business activities collect the charges on monthly basis based on our subscription or usage. What if you had a chance to pay only for once and use with no additional charges throughout the lifetime of the app. That would be a mind blowing option, right?
Yep, it is there and we call those deals as Lifetime Deal or LTD’s in the SaaS world.
Let’s say, if you are purchasing a LTD when you are 20 years old, you can access the tool even at 100 years of your age. You can say that again! The deal is valid for lifetime. If you still not got the term, let us give you an example.
You need a tool for lead generation and you found a company which provides a tool for the Lead Generation. They charge you monthly at a price of $15. You are about to use the tool for the next 1 year for all your team’s Lead Generation activity. This will cost you about $180 for a year. Now you got the same tool in a Lifetime Deal. It costs around $100. What this mean is you pay $100 upfront and can use the tool for your lifetime. You need not to pay in recurring terms. And yes, you will get features that were listed in the deal during the time of your buy, including the future updates connected to the plan that you are purchasing.
Wondering how companies give this deal? Most of the Lifetime Deals are by early stage startups. They use this medium for increasing their user base. Not only startups, some recognized companies to give lifetime for some period. It’s the time that matters in these deals because companies who give more days for the deal to remain active.
The only catch is if the company decides to close or gets acquired by some other companies, then this deal will not be valid.
As we seen earlier lifetime deals save your recurring cost on SaaS Apps, Tools and Resources. So once you have paid for a tool, you no need to worry about your monthly bills. This reduces too much stress on your accounts and cost. This will even give you a competitive advantage when you competitor worrying about their recurring bills you can sit and enjoy the days.
Sometime we might use a specific tools on a particular month and you might be worried about paying your bill for that month but in case of lifetime deal you can take the return on investment (ROI) on any specified month.
Lifetime deals gives you a glorious return when comparing to that when you pay the recurring bills. We at Hightime Deals have taken return for most of the tools that we bought it as a lifetime. We use only a few monthly subscription tools, which was not on LTDs to run our firm.
Another advantage is that you will get to know more about advanced apps or niche specific apps where the same functionality doesn’t exist on the app that you use on recurring basis
One great advantage is that few of the lifetime deals became the No.1 on their fields and you will be using that without any monthly payments
Few lifetime deals give you an option of sub account where you can charge your customer on monthly basis with the same investment that you have done on the first time. If you are an agency, this sub account helps you more that what you have invested.
G Suite – G Suite free lifetime deal was given when they launched their G Suite. Till today those users receive all the updates at free of cost.
MailChimp – MailChimp had their lifetime deal on the olden days around 2010.
Swipe Pages – Swipe pages launched their lifetime deal on 2020 with unlimited subaccount and 100 Subdomains. This is one of the fastest growing landing page builder in the market.
Lemlist – Lemlist lifetime deal was launched just for 49$ in 2018 and now it has become the best cold email marketing tool with dynamic image templates.
Shortpixel – Image Compression for a website speed optimization is an dream of every web developers and SEO marketer. Shortpixel is one of the best in their marker. They launched their first time deal in 2017 at just for 25$. Today shortpixel’s minimum monthly charge is about 5$/Month
Intercom – Intercom is the best chat and system and their LTD was sold at 49$ in 2012.
There are several more similar LTD’s that you have missed. Don’t regret the same mistake on the LTD’s that are currently on sale.
Lifetime deals have become much more popular in the last few years, so there are several companies that sell lifetime deals. Also, sometimes the SaaS companies will launch their lifetime deal on their own like the G Suite Lifetime Deal.
Here are the few LTD Sellers
Though the lifetime deal has many advantages in the SaaS world, it has its own disadvantages. We can overcome those disadvantages with few extra steps prior to purchasing the LTD’s
Some times few LTD’s will have their own limitation on comparision to the regular recurring plans. But these details will be provided by the company during the sale. Read the deal terms and analyses based on you requirements prior to purchase.
There are few companies who are known to no proper support and sudden closure of the business post the refund period. In order to avoid these kinds of deals you do a little research about the founder and team. There are several Facebook groups where these types of discussions will happen often and you can take part there or even in some cases the LTD seller will have the question and review section which helps you to understand more about the app. You can also check in any roadmaps on the tool is available.
Most of the LTD’s sellers provide around 15-60 days of money-back guarantee. But few do come with a limitation that your money-back guarantee expires since you have redeemed your license. Be careful before purchasing. If you are not satisfied with the money-back guarantee provided, then try the app before purchasing the lifetime deal.
There are about more than 10 LTD sellers in the market apart from the direct sales from the app developers. Among the 10 there are few like JVjoo where the LTD’s are not much worthless and they try to upsell their app to remove the limitations on the basic plan. Even the closure rate on these tools are very high.
All the SaaS Providers will have their own roadmap for their application. You can check the seller about the future updated for a lifetime deal. But there are certain cases where the deal doesn’t have much advanced feature from the current tool/app that you have been using. In such scenario, roadmaps will help you to do a better comparison studies.
Purchasing the LTD’s has one limitation which we can’t control. There are few cases where the SaaS provider has to foreclose their business or another company will acquire the company. Mostly when the company is acquired, they will try provided the continued LTD support as promised during their lifetime sale. But in case of foreclosure, we can’t do anything. While the time writing this article we had purchased around 50+ Lifetime deals and only 2 companies has been shutdown and one app is from JVjoo.
We are here to help you. It is your hard earned money, no matter what. We list tools from reputed sites who are more reliable and it’s safe to invest the money. But as a coin has two sides, we can’t completely keep this word. It is ultimately in the hands of the company. Follow us to get curated list get delivered to your mail at the Hightime.
We are a young team of techies, designers, and developers who spend most of our time in the digital world. We curate the best deals available online and list those on our website.
Our dedicated team of experts will provide you with the very best of lifetime deals available, with a focus on helping you grow, attain new customers, and to best serve your customers.